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Lineage Crossfit Origin Story

How It Started…

I was introduced to CrossFit by my brother Jonathan. Our father had just passed and it was certainly a difficult time for us. CrossFit was working in my life before I was even introduced to the sport. The community of CrossFit was impacting my brother’s life in a positive way. The box he attended put together a HERO WOD for my dad. “RICK” was my very first experience with CrossFit. Rick was only a hero to Jon and I. He wasn’t military or a first responder, he was just our dad but, he was memorialized for us as a HERO at Caged CrossFit in Largo, FL.

The workout had the magic we talk about inside the box. Strangers, now friends, encouraged me along the 800m runs. They did the lunges and double-unders next to me at my pace so I didn’t feel left out. I was the last one to finish the workout. Not for one second did I feel like I was alone though. People counted out my last set of reps and Jon and some of his longtime friends finished the last burpee box jumps with me.

I collapsed to the floor in exhaustion and overwhelming emotion. I was a part of the CrossFit family on day one.

What Happened Next…

I grew a passion for the sport and creating a community like the one I was experiencing. After 6 months I received my CF-L1. I started coaching and after two years I received my CF-L2. I have participated in multiple local Olympic weightlifting competitions along with many CrossFit competitions. I started coaching CrossFit full time and decided that coaching others is how I wanted to be of service to my community. Being born and raised in the Clearwater, FL area, I feel that it is an honor to be able to create an inclusive and safe space for anyone looking to get fit, make friends, and have some fun.

Lineage CrossFit was born.

Where We’re Going…

We are striving for a world class experience. The end goal is not our focus but, we believe will that this will be a byproduct of our dedication to be our best selves on a daily basis, our commitment to education & implementation, our care and loyalty to our standards, and our passion to improve ourselves and others physically and mentally.

Andrew McComber
Head Coach/Owner

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